Best job selling things from home

Okay, so Im 16 and I have a knack for selling things. (wow where did that word come from?) Anyways, my mom says that instead of looking for a job, like most teens do, and getting paid minimum wage, I should try selling things from home. I really think I could do it easily, but the only problem is, where do I start? I mean, I have no idea what to do. I want to sell products similar to Mary Kay. Not on Ebay or something like that. Could someone give me some suggestions on what to sell? Thanks in advance.
      Answer1:You just made an open invitation to all the scammers.
      Answer2:Check out Avon. The start up costs are much smaller than Mary Kay and you dont have to rely on people having parties.Have you checked Premier Designs jewelry? You might enjoy their product. I dont know if the age is 16 or 18 though.
      Answer3:Most Direct Sales you need to be 18 at least the ones I am aware you could always ask you mom to sponsor you or if there is one you really like for example Mary Kay then ask a consultant if you can work for her maybe making phone calls and getting a percentage of the commission it is also a great way to see if you like it without a full commitment. I would hire you.
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