How old do you have to be to start a business
Answer1:18 id say
Answer2:Legally speaking its 18 years.
Answer3:enough to sign a contract
Answer4:Not to legally register to pay taxes, but you can start a buisness like me, if you are a programmer, or if you service people all of the products that you produce are copy-righted to you without having to register. Im under 20 (not going to spoil my age) but I own my buisness. E-mail me for help.
Answer5:I think its 16. but itll be with restrictions. can really have employees jobs in the hands of 16 yr olds.You pay tax when your 16 or over.
Answer6:Im guessing at least 21.My parents owned their own business and they had to get some licenses thats pretty much the hardest part of owning ur own business...but nothings impossible.
Answer7:There is no absolute minimun age to start up a business, you can start up at your suitable time when all the things are ready.
Answer8:try: http://www.businessempiremag.comthey have a lot of useful information related to business that should answer your questions.
Answer9:i was just turned my teen age and i started taking tension on making some money online to be independent and i started Searching Online, i reached a place and :Oh Yes!: the time has came that you can earn even 10,000$ wihtout having any website and the amazing thing is that this system is free to join and the condition is this, that you can join more then one online money making programs 4 free and there you can also find Full Job List to increase your income within Seconds.(It depends on you that you want to work there for part time or full time 4 free)(you can join any type of job there for free, you can find job according to your capabilities @ your nearest)(So,good luck and enjoy your life)
Answer10:Hi there i have found one site while searching online that will knock you off your feet,you can make more money on it then any other site, out there you can actually make a full time income for this one site and it is free to join and work on.Nothing beats that one i tell you any way,Here is the link.I know they pay as i have been paid over 400$ + an Ipod Shuffle From Contest I won,So check it out, do some offers and make some cash (you can also work there part time or Full Time).
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