Is it possible to earn money if you have web hosting

Is it possible to earn money if you have web hosting?
      Answer1:Absolutely but you need to be technical proficient. If you are then you are on your 1st step towards success. NOw the real work begins. You need to be able to market and sell your services.The beauty of web hosting is that 100% of the money you make is pretty much profit. I run hosting for friends and family and dont look to actually make money from it. I just try to cover my costs.The real money is in web page design as you can get a job for $2,000 - $10,000.
      Answer2:Do you mean that you re starting a hosting company, or that you host your own website?If you are starting your own company it is possible to make money, however you will have a lot of competition. There are already a lot of hosting companies for people to choose from. It can be quite overwhelming, so you will have to try and offer something special. If you are creating a website, then you can make money in all sorts of ways.


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