I need an argument to keep a job

my bf messed up at his job by hitting another truck. he just kept working because he didnt know what to do. when he was asked about it by one the the bosses long time workers he fessed up. the the long time worker told the boss he lied first and then said he hit it. now the boss is trying to figure out if he wants to fire him. he told the boss he didnt lie to the long time worker and told me he really didnt remember trying to lie. but it seems anyone who fights with the long time worker losses. on monday he has to talk to the boss and find out if he is loosing his job. what can he say to help him keep his job? he loves this job and its the first job he actually is trying at and he does whatever the boss asks, and works hard at whatever it is the boss asks. HELP PLEASE!!!
      Answer1:The company should have some type of insurance for this, im sure the boss could be stresses like other company owners these days because of the economy. Just tell you bf to tell them he is sorry and it will never happen again.
      Answer2:An apology and honesty will take him further than anything.
      Answer3:have no idea
      Answer4:First I would read over your drivers education manual, we must report all accidents. This way their is a report of what happened.Second be honest with your boss. Honesty always pays.Explain what happened and let your boss know you will workvery hard to make sure you will not be having any more accidentsin the near future.


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