How can someone compete with the government

About 5 years ago my county, which is in a very rural part of PA, started public transportation. At first it was only 1 bus doing local stuff, then they started another bus that would take people 50 miles away into the city twice a day. Knowing that I could do better I started a bus service with 3 charter buses about 3 years ago. I dont do local service and run my buses into the city around rush hr time, so I get most of the workers. I do well, but were certainly not rich. Lately, Ive heard a few complaints from my workers about the city drivers. They are unionized, make more money, and have a ton more benefits, like health care, paid vacation, 401k plan, etc. I cant do that stuff. Heck, Im only running 3 buses! The problem is that the city cant do that either. They never make any money and consistantly run a deficit of over $2 million, but the state picks up the tab. They dont fire anyone, dont cut back on benefits, and dont cut back on their service. Now my employees are talking of unionizing. How can I compete with the govt? How can I compete with a bunch of idiots running a bus company that has nearly unlimited funding and doesnt care how much money they lose? My rates are better, my people are friendlier, and my buses are on time. Ive heard many stories about elderly cancer patients being stuck at the hospital because the city bus just didnt show up for one of their trips into the city. Thats just inexcusible. But, how can I, or anyone else, compete with them despite all their screwups? Its like Im just buying time until they run me out.
      Answer1:You cant. The city buses arent out to make a profit. It is a transportation service provided for very little money and funded by tax dollars. Perhaps you could apply for federal aid or something but there wouldnt be any reason for them to level the playing field for you when you are only out there for personal gain. It works the same way with the postal service yet companies like DHL and UPS are still able to compete. Taxi companies are another example. They fill a niche for people who dont want to take a bus but dont have a car. You just have to push on through.


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