I39;m the more valuable and stable employee, why does my co-worker make more than me

I just dont get it. I have stepped up at my job in many different ways, but recently found out my co-worker who is equal in education and has been at the place of work a year less than me, makes $1 more an hour than me. I do more than she does. Im reliable and rarely call off, but she does all the time. I train people and am assigned interns, etc... Yet she makes more. Why would my boss be ok with this??? I guess Im just frustrated because this is the second time this has happened. (The first time, my other co-worker quit.) Now, with the recession, I look like a jerk asking for a raise when 3 people were laid off last month. I should be happy I have a job, I suppose. It is just a sh*tty situation. SIGH!
      Answer1:Let me tell you thisYour EFFORTS WILL SHOWhere is a tips:-Talk to your employer more, asks him if you missed anything, or need to improve anything-ALWAYS MAKE SURE, you know what he/she EXPECTS FROM YOU-ASK 4 career plan, What he/she wants you to accomplish in the next 6monthsthat will help, tell him/her "you did this, this, and that"I know what it is like you bust ur a s s and get very lil or no credit, but listen to this song by Johnny Cash "Oney"I think you will like it, ull surely relate


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