I want to know if a traineeship in business administration is it good do l get payedIN AUSTRALIA PLEASE

you get paid.but all traineeships pay totally craplike, somewhere in between 6 and 9 bucks an hour for the duration of your traineeshipafter that, you should earn a bit more.
      Answer1:A Certificate III or Certificate IV in Business Administration in Australia will get you a job as and Office girl or boy that is you do typing and bookkeeping and do the banking. You are not an accountant.You have to do an Advanced Diploma in Accounting if you want to do accounting.The pay gets better with better qualifications. The most important thing is to be able to speak English properly. They way you have asked the question above tells me that you have away to go even though I have met worse. It should read as follows - "I would like to know if a traineeship in Business Administration in Australia leads to a good job. Does it pay well and do I get paid if I train while I work?"For your information, it is illegal for an employer to put you on his/her staff as a trainee and not pay you. If he/she puts you to work as an employee then the law requires him/her to pay you the minimum basic wage at least. This is where the Fair Pay Commission comes in to protect trainees from exploitation from unscrupulous employers. Australian Fair Pay Commissionhttp://www.fairpay.gov.au/I hope that this helps.Cheers!!!


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