i am starting a software business and I am 14Is it legal for me to start one legally.--Answer1:you gotta be 18 to legally sign contracts so I dont think so.--Answer2:u have to b 18.--Answer3:get a parent to represent you.--Answer4:you can start by spelling old correctly.--Answer5:To have anything legally in your name you need to be 18 but if your under 18 you can have a parent or other adult put theyre name on it for legal purposes..--Answer6:You can start a business at any age, i.e. kids selling lemonade on their front porch is technically a business of sorts. There are a vast number of entrepreneurs under the age of 18, the girl who created whateverlife.com was sixteen when she made her first million dollars.However, you should have an adult be able to back your business for any legal reasons, such as if you need to enter a contract for having another company create a logo for you, etc.
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