I want to start an online music store

I badly want to start an online music store selling merchandise & CDs but i dont know where to start or who to go to.I have no official business or anything.. i just want to sell on auction sites and have my own .com website.Any help would be great such as- who to go to- where to get the products- etc.Thanks so much to anyone who can help out!.--Answer1:Hi,You can try being an affiliate of Amazon & other top music sites. Start your website and provide extensive, useful & quality information on music - whether latest updates, buzz, newcomers etc.You dont need to make it all flashy. Then provide links to these stores. For example, on your front page, put a link or embed the store into your website.Hope this helps!Josh.--Answer2:visit a library and study read intro to businessintro to marketingsmall biz mgt.it will get you going. Having an internet site without a fixed sitewill give you one change in 1,000 to earn a profit..--Answer3:I went to www.clickbank.com and checked out how many different music related affiliate programs you could become apart of and sell their porduct for commission and I stopped searching at 240 different sites. There is obviously a huge huge number to choose from.Clickbank is free to join and they pay you the commision based on your sales. anything up to 75% of the sale.In addition you would want to learn how to market your site and products and I found an exlusive coaching club that has enourmous amounts of help and information. http://www.leadingmoneymakers.com/There are many free videos you can watch which will help you get started on your way.I am a member of the club and I can personally verify that the coaching & teaching is excellent and well worthwhile looking into, especially if you are new to Internet Marketing.I hope that helps and all the bestJ


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