Should i join a country club (can you give me pros and cons too) easy 10 points

i'm 19 and i can get a junior member ship at a country club down the street (laurel creek country club). i'm going to be working full time (6-3 mon through friday) all summer so i want to play at a place thats not going to be busy all the time. Also, they have unlimited range balls, a pool, fitness center, and the price is good for me. the junior membership they offered me was only 3,000. thats with the initiation fee, membership, and food minimum. i'll be walking every round i ply there. not to mention i played golf almost 5 days a week last summer, and i practiced everyday. so...should i do it?

What's a round of golf cost w/o a membership? Would you Use the pool and fitness stuff? Do you have a job where wealthy contacts might help, or are you looking for same?

Are these the sort of people you want to associate with? ( Some clubs are snobbish

Will your junior membership fee be applied against a full membership if you want?

What are the odds of staying in the neighborhood (will you go off to college soon)


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