I have difficult situation I need do work which is not clear on me. I know that the client doesnt understand the situation and cannot describe it more accurately but the deadline is right around the corner. What should I do. I have to do work. Answer1:Hi, If you have a Computer with internet connection, you are now ready for working. This is a work from home job.Please click this link to get started : http://www.dealbarbiepaysfast.com/member...Check my blog for further details:http://earnecon.blogspot.com Answer2:If the scope and details of the project are not clear to you. You Need to go back to the client and have them describe in detail what they want the finished product to look like Answer3:1. You could ask a more specific question here, outlining the type of work you are in and the problem you are facing.2. You could research it on the internet.3. You could go and ask a librarian if they have a book about the topic.
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