When will my mail be here Help!

Ok, i ordered some thing on december 12 (12/12/08) and this is what it says:Processed, December 16, 2008, 8:12 am, BETHPAGE, NY 11714 Electronic Shipping Info Received, December 14, 2008 And it has been 4 days that its been showing the same thing. today is (12/20/08) and it hasnt changed, i live in ALBUQUERQUE, NM. and NY is a long ways away, i have the traking number(duh!) and im worried! please help!!!! it was sent through usps regular mail, but it came through usps for sure. Thanks. It has also been saying prosecced for ever, like i said, 4 days, and nothing changed. :(.--Answer1:It usually comes within a week.--Answer2:Usually us packages might come in a week, international 2-3 weeks but remember that now it is a busy mail season so it may be delayed.--Answer3:My dad owns a shipping store, so I think I know your problem. Sometimes the hubs (like processing stations, that the mail has to go through) things get backed-up. Because of the weather around here lately some packages are force to stay back because the trucks could be stuck. Then the packages have to go back to the hub and be sent out again days later. Also while those packages get taking care of others are delayed. Also usps is not guaranteed on their times. If you read the labels and signs in the stores or on your package in fine print it should say it somewhere. Dont worry these things happen all the time. Dont complain to the company though, they dont care. Especially this time of year. Hopes this helps..--Answer4:This has happened to me (both receiving and shipping) also. Part of the problem is what level of tracking the shipper chose to use. This will determine what level of input the USPS will make as far as waypoints. Unfortunately for you, they are NOT as easy to track as UPS shipments, and often dont give you any info until the delivery date, and then you already know it is there! One more thing-- the electronic shipment thing only indicates that the package was SUPPOSED to be dropped off on a certain date (the 14th) so the package actually hit the mail stream on the 16th. This is just short of the cutoff date suggested by USPS for delivery for Christmas (posted in my PO as the 15th...) but often they do better than promised. I believe you have an excellent chance of getting you package by 12/24


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