How can earn some money

Hey all, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in giving me some ideas to make a little extra cash. One thing up front, I am superb with computers and anything that has to do with technology. Another thing, I am 14. I know someone is going to answer this question with: mow lawns, babysit, etc. That is not what I am looking for. I am looking for ideas that i can use my computer skills with. Also, any other ideas are welcome. Especially, if you have any ideas on selling a product or something. Thanks, Nateboi.--Answer1:1. DONT Sell Weed ..--Answer2:You can make a lot of money from free websites, that dont make you pay a penny at all. Those are rich websites. Think you can find one here: you could set-up a dating web-site for your school or town and charge a membership fee. A web-site is cheap and easy to make and could have big income. Also currently I am selling candy bars at school. It sound stupid but it works. I went to Ocean State Job Lot (Im not sure if they have them where you live) and bout huge Crunch bars for a dollar.I went to school and sold them for two dollars. In the last tree days I have made 45 dollars. When ever you see a sale stock-up on them. Also make sure you dont push how you need the money and sell them at a reasonable price. Hope it helps..--Answer4:I would suggest brainstorming with your parents. They may know about some ways to help you make money.


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