I need to know if I need permission to put a business

I need to know if I need permission to put a business , to be honest I dont need location or building is homemade business but people will be calling me or coming to me. Asking me to find somebody to do the job and I will find the person for them , I get paid by the person who needs the professional to work them he will stay working for him. I wont really wanna said what it is because is very original Idea of my but I need to know if I need a permission or permit or something so I can have that piece of mind. Thank you for all that will Answer
      Answer1:If you are starting a job placement service, you need proper licensing from the state. You cannot run it out of your home since you will have job seekers coming to your office for testing, interviewing, etc, regarding their placement. And no company is going to contract with someone who has no experience, references, offices, licenses, track record in suitable placements! This is an expensive business to set up and you have to be able to compete immediately with large placement services.
      Answer2:Hey,I dont know much about the type of business youre setting up. But if youre looking for some work I think I can help. Email me at- rich_jobs@yahoo.com and Ill see if I can help you out.Richard


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